The Captivating Life of Lupita Nyong'o'

Lupita Nyong'o's life story is a captivating tapestry woven with threads of global citizenship, artistic passion, and unwavering strength. Let’s get to know her before you head to theaters to see her newest movie, “A Quiet Place: Day One”.

Early Life

Born in Mexico City in 1983 to Kenyan parents, Nyong'o's early life was steeped in a rich cultural duality. Her father, Peter Anyang' Nyong'o, a prominent Kenyan politician, instilled in her a deep connection to her Kenyan heritage. This upbringing, coupled with the political unrest that forced their family to leave Kenya briefly, instilled in Nyong'o a global perspective that would later enrich her artistic endeavors.

Even as a teenager in Kenya, Nyong'o's artistic spark ignited. Drawn not just to the magic on screen, she craved to be a part of the filmmaking process. Her first foray into cinema came with behind-the-scenes work on productions like "The Constant Gardener." This hands-on experience fueled her passion for film and showcased her meticulous nature and keen eye for detail. Driven by this growing passion, Nyong'o pursued a film and theater degree at Hampshire College in the United States.

Student Life

While a student, Nyong'o's artistic vision extended beyond acting. In 2009, she directed and produced the documentary "In My Genes," exploring the often misunderstood topic of albinism in East Africa. This project highlighted Nyong'o's budding filmmaking skills and showcased her deep-seated commitment to social awareness. In the same year, she landed the lead role in the groundbreaking MTV series "Shuga," a drama tackling themes of sexuality and relationships among young Kenyans. This role allowed Nyong'o to connect with her Kenyan roots while portraying a complex and relatable character for a global audience.

Fame Begins

The year 2013 marked a pivotal moment in Nyong'o's career. She took on the heart-wrenching role of Patsey in Steve McQueen's film "12 Years a Slave." Her portrayal of a slave woman's brutal reality was unflinching and raw, captivating audiences worldwide. Nyong'o poured her soul into this demanding performance, which earned her critical acclaim and the prestigious Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. This historic win solidified Nyong'o's status as a rising star and made her the first Kenyan and Mexican-born actress to receive an Oscar. Stream 12 Years a Slave on Apple TV

Following this monumental achievement, Nyong'o's career trajectory soared. She demonstrated remarkable versatility, seamlessly transitioning from historical drama to science fiction. Her portrayal of the wise and formidable Maz Kanata in the "Star Wars" sequels showcased her ability to command the screen with a captivating presence. The action-packed superhero film "Black Panther" further solidified her trailblazer position. Nyong'o's fierce warrior character, Nakia, shattered stereotypes and redefined what it meant for a woman of color to be a driving force in a superhero narrative. She didn't shy away from pushing boundaries, taking on the unsettling dual roles in Jordan Peele's critically acclaimed horror film "Us," a testament to her commitment to challenging herself as an actress.

Stream Black Panther on Apple TV

Stream Us on Apple TV

Life off of the Screen

Beyond the silver screen, Nyong'o has captivated audiences on the stage of Broadway. Her portrayal of a resilient woman amidst war in the play "Eclipsed" garnered her a Tony Award nomination. Her captivating voice has also graced animated films and documentaries, further solidifying her position as a versatile and sought-after performer.

Nyong'o's influence extends far beyond awards and accolades. She is a powerful voice advocating for diversity and inclusion in Hollywood, challenging the status quo, and inspiring others to fight for representation. She serves as a beacon of hope, particularly for young women of color, by proving that talent and dedication can pave the way for success on a global stage. This commitment to social change extends beyond the entertainment industry. Nyong'o actively works with organizations like the Mother Teresa Centre of Calcutta and uses her platform to raise awareness about global issues.

Lupita Nyong'o's journey is a testament to the power of unwavering passion, artistic excellence, and a commitment to using one's voice for good. From her Kenyan roots to her Hollywood stardom, she continues to redefine what it means to be a successful actress, filmmaker, and philanthropist, leaving an indelible mark on the world stage.